Primary Care Models


The CMS Innovation Center has developed and tested several models focused on transforming payment and care delivery in primary care. Earlier iterations of primary care model tests include the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (CPC) and Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+). While these models did not meet criteria for certification and expansion, lessons learned from the model tests have informed the development of further primary care model tests. Currently, the Innovation Center is testing the Primary Care First Model (2021 – 2025) and will soon launch the Making Care Primary Model (2024 – 2034). This webpage includes public and members-only resources from NAACOS as well as CMS resources on these models.

Making Care Primary (MCP)

NAACOS member resources

NAACOS public resources

CMS resources


Primary Care First (PCF)

NAACOS member resources

NAACOS public resources

CMS resources


Statement: Medicare’s New APMs (04/19) Statement: PCF RFA (10/19)


PCF Payer Partners
PCF Practice Participant List (csv download)

General Resources:

NAACOS Member Resources