2023 Membership Types and Dues Pricing 1

If an organization includes an ACO, then that organization must join NAACOS as an ACO member.  Organizations may not join as both ACO members and business partners. 

Please refer to the membership definition page for full details on how NAACOS defines ACO members and business partners.


1. Single ACO entities contracting with CMS

A legal entity that owns 2 or more ACOs that have contracted with CMS. Ownership is defined as “wholly owned or financially integrated through contracts either sharing gains or losses or both” 

Join Now! NAACOS will email you an invoice for dues upon application approval.

*Updated 10/24/2022

2. Multi owned/affiliated ACOs 
A legal entity that owns2 2 or more ACOs that have contracted with CMS or plan to contract with CMS in the next 12 months. 

Join Now! NAACOS will email you an invoice for dues upon application approval.

Dues Pricing

Beneficiary Count Single Multi-ACO Model: $1,575 after 1st ACO Multi-ACO Model: $1,050 after 10th ACO Multi-ACO Model: $525 after 20th ACO and beyond
Multi -2 Multi -10 Multi – 11 Multi -20 Multi -21 Multi -30
250 – 9,999 $4,200  –   –   –   –   –   – 
10,000 – 24,999 $6,050   $7,625   $20,225  –   –   –   – 
25,000 – 49,999 $7,900   $9,475  $22,075  –   –   –   – 
50,000 – 99,999 $10,500   $12,075  $24,675  $25,725   $35,175  –   – 
100,000 $12,600   $14,175  $26,775  $27,825  $37,275  $37,800  $42,525
150000 $14,700  $16,275  $28,875  $29,925  $39,375  $39,900  $44,625
200,000 $16,800  $18,375  $30,975  $32,025  $41,475  $42,000  $46,725
250000 $18,900  $20,475  $33,075  $34,125  $43,575  $44,100  $48,825
300,000 $21,000   $22,575  $35,175  $36,225  $45,675  $46,200  $50,925
350000 $23,100   $24,675  $37,275  $38,325  $47,775  $48,300  $53,025
400,000 $25,200   $26,775  $39,375  $40,425  $49,875  $50,400  $55,125
450000 $27,300   $28,875  $41,475  $42,525  $51,975  $52,500  $57,225
500,000 $29,400   $30,975  $43,575  $44,625  $54,075  $54,600  $59,325
550,000 $33,100 $34,755 $47,995 $49,095 $59,025 $59,575 $64,525
600,000 $35,300 $36,955 $50,195 $51,295 $61,225 $61,775 $66,725
650,000 $37,500 $39,155 $52,395 $53,495 $63,425 $63,975 $68,925
700,000 $39,700 $41,355 $54,595 $55,695 $65,625 $66,175 $71,125
750,000 $41,900 $ 43,555 $56,795 $57,895 $67,825 $68,375 $73,325
800,000 $44,100 $45,755 $58,995 $60,095 $70,025 $70,575 $75,525
850,000 $46,300 $47,955 $61,195 $62,295 $72,225 $72,775 $77,725
900,000 $48,500 $50,155 $63,395 $64,495 $74,425 $74,975 $79,925
950,000 $50,700 $52,355 $65,595 $66,695 $76,625 $77,175 $82,125
1,000,000 $52,900 $54,555 $67,795 $68,895 $78,825 $79,375 $84,325

If you have questions, please contact the Membership Department at 202.640.1985, option 1.

For Non-CMS ACOs

3. Commercial Payer ACOs 
Entities that own or are financially integrated with one or more ACOs and that do not contract with CMS but that contract with one or more commercial insurance organizations and/or State Medicaid Agency to provide accountable care to a specified population of beneficiaries and that financially share in the risk and/or benefit from savings defined in the contract. 

Commercial Payer ACOs receive 1 vote for commercial payer ACO board seats.

Dues Structure (annual)

  • $3675 per ACO legal entity

Join Now! NAACOS will email you an invoice for dues upon application approval.

4. Associate Members (non-voting)
ACO Legal Entity or other Provider Organization applying to CMS or considering becoming an ACO in the future. These members are non-voting. This category of member is only valid for one year. 

Dues Structure (annual)

  • $3675

Join Now! NAACOS will email you an invoice for dues upon application approval.

Vendors, educational affiliates, current Business Partners and others – See Partner Page

If you have questions, please contact the Membership Department at 202.640.1985, option 1.

1Membership dues are customarily, if not always, deductible by member groups as a business expense for federal tax purposes subject to restrictions imposed as a result of association lobbying activities. NAACOS estimates that the nondeductible portion of membership dues attributable to lobbying activities for the year ending December 31, 2023 is 15%.

Terms and Conditions