Frequently Asked Questions
Website Support
Where can I get my log-in information?
If you do not know your log-in information, choose “Forgot Username” on the member log-in section and enter your work email address. You will be sent your username. If you do not receive an email, that means you are not in our system yet and you need to create a profile.
How do I create a profile in the system?
If your organization is an ACO member or a partner of NAACOS, the key contact at your organization can create a profile for you. If you are unsure who the key contact is or if you know that your organization is not currently a member or partner, click on “Contact Us” or “Join Our Mailing List” and follow the instructions under “New Users.” This will allow you to set up a username and password.
I need some help or clarification, who can I contact?
For all technical issues, please email [email protected] or call 202-640-1985.
Membership Policies
Membership Definitions
ACO and Value-Based Care Provider Members
- Single Member
An ACO legal entity that holds one contract with CMS for the MSSP or REACH ACO programs. - Multi Member
A legal entity that owns two or more ACOs that have contracted with CMS for MSSP and/or REACH. Ownership is defined as wholly owned or financially integrated through contracts either sharing gains or losses or both. - Value-Based Care Provider Group Member
Those entities that hold value-based payment arrangements outside of a direct contract with CMS for MSSP or another CMMI sponsored ACO Model. - Associate
An entity that does not quality as a single, multi, or value-based care provider group member, and is application to CMS or considering a value-based care arrangement in the future. This category of membership is only valid for one year.
Any organization that includes an ACO may only join NAACOS as an ACO member and may not join as a Business Partner.
Non-ACO Partners
- Partner Circle: Business partners that seek an enhanced collaboration with ACO leadership.
- Payer Partner: Health plans and health insurance companies that pay for and/or process claims for health care, but do not own an ACO.
- Business Partner: For-profit companies with products and services for sale to ACOs.
- Alliance Partner: Non-profits with resources available to ACOs at no charge. This may include universities, associations, foundations, government agencies, and think tanks.
All partners may sponsor and exhibit at the conference. They may promote and sell their products to all conference attendees. They may not present on the main program at the conference, and they are limited to registering two people to attend the conference unless they sponsor. Partners may not attend the boot camps unless they sponsor. Partners do not vote for the NAACOS board of directors and may not serve on the board and committees.
Membership Terms and Conditions
Submission of an application for membership constitutes a binding contract upon acceptance by NAACOS. Once accepted, NAACOS will issue the member an invoice, which can be paid by check or with credit card. The following credit cards are accepted for payment: American Express, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover. Cancelation of membership within one (1) week of application will result in the refund of any charges.
A member of NAACOS is subject to all terms and conditions set forth in the membership application and established by the Board of Directors. A member must faithfully observe all provisions of the bylaws and all applicable rules and regulations adopted by NAACOS. NAACOS educational events are designed for ACOs and value-based care providers to learn about issues affecting their organizations and to network with peers. Any employee of an ACO or Value-Based Care Provider Group member may register to attend the conference. However, ACO and Value-Based Care Provider Group attendees may not sell their products to other ACOs or VBC Provider Groups or recruit other ACOs or VBC Provider Groups to their organization. Members who do so will jeopardize their membership in NAACOS and their participation in future NAACOS events.
NAACOS reserves the right to deny an organization’s request for membership at the time of its application or renewal if it does not meet NAACOS’ membership criteria. NAACOS may terminate membership for reasons stated in its bylaws and policies including if the business transacted by the organization no longer qualified for membership, for violation of the bylaws, for failure to pay dues or for actions that are detrimental to the goals and best interests of NAACOS. NAACOS membership is valid for a period of 12 months. Sixty (60) days prior to the end of the 12-month period, NAACOS will issue an invoice to renew membership. Members who wish to renew must return the invoice with payment.
Risk-Free Trial Membership Eligibility and Terms
The Risk-Free Trial is valid to non-NAACOS member ACOs and Value-Base Care Provider Groups only. Renewing and former free trial members within 12 months are excluded. All membership terms and conditions also apply.
Partnership Terms and Conditions
Submission of an application for partnership constitutes a binding contract upon acceptance by NAACOS. Once accepted, NAACOS will issue the Partner an invoice, which can be paid by check or credit card. The following credit cards are accepted for payment: American Express, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover. Cancellation of membership within one (1) week of application will result in the refund of any charges.
A Partner of NAACOS is subject to all terms and conditions set forth in the Partner application and established by the Board of Directors. Each Partner must faithfully observe all applicable rules and regulations adopted by NAACOS. NAACOS reserves the right to deny an organization’s request to become a Partner at the time of its application or renewal if it does not meet NAACOS’ criteria. NAACOS may deny or terminate Partner status for reasons stated in its policies including if the business transacted by the organization does not qualify for partnership, for violation of the bylaws, for failure to pay dues or for actions that are detrimental to the goals and best interests of NAACOS.
Companies with subsidiaries may choose whether the parent company or a subsidiary is the NAACOS partner. However, the partnership and its associated benefits must be held in a single company name and used in that name only. NAACOS will list the partner in that name with that logo. Any staff attending our events will have that partner’s affiliation listed. NAACOS will not change the name throughout the partnership term.
NAACOS Partnership status is valid for a period of 12 months including two NAACOS conferences. Sixty (60) days prior to the end of the 12-month period NAACOS will issue an invoice to renew the partnership status. If a third NAACOS conference falls within your business partner term, you will need to renew prior to the third conference. Those Partners who wish to renew will return the invoice with payment.
Event Registration and Policies
How do I register for a conference or webinar?
In order to register for our conference, you will need to log-in using your own information. The only individual that can register multiple people is the key contact of an organization. If you do not know your log-in information, please follow the steps outlined above or contact us at [email protected] or 202-640-1985.
Why did I get the non-member rate for the conference if my organization is a member or partner?
Please contact us to correct this.
Who may register to attend the conferences and boot camps?
All employees of ACO and Value-Based Care Provider Group members may attend the conferences and boot camps, and they receive registration discounted rates. All employees of non-member ACOs and Value-Based Care Provider groups may also attend conferences and boot camps. The registration policy for non-ACOs is as follows:
- Non-ACOs must be NAACOS partners in order to register for the conferences. Each business partner is allowed TWO paid registrants to the conference. Partners must pay the prevailing registration rate to register their employees. There are no exhibit-only registrations. We expect all business partner attendees to participate in the full conference. Registration fees are NOT included in your partner dues. There is no attendee limit for Partners when registering for virtual events.
- The conferences are open to invited members of the media. All speaker comments should be attributed to them and not to their overall organization. For more information or to request media registration, please contact David Pittman.
- Only ACO and Value-Based Care Provider Group employees may register for the boot camps. These events are not open to vendors, media, or any other non-ACOs/non-Value Based Care groups.
Who may present at events?
Only ACO and Value-Based Care Provider Group employees may present at NAACOS conferences, workshops, and boot camps. Partners may present at events they sponsor per the terms of the sponsorship agreement.
Registration Terms and Cancellation Policies
Submitting a registration, whether online, by mail, or onsite, constitutes a binding contract between NAACOS and the registrant, and the terms and conditions apply to all parties. In particular, these terms and conditions shall apply in the case of any credit/debit card dispute.
Once a registration has been submitted and paid in full, the registrant has two business days to cancel and receive a refund for the full amount. Cancellations made during this two-day period will not be charged a $100 processing fee. After two business days, however, the following cancellation policy will apply. NAACOS reserves the right to cancel any registration at any time for any reason.
Registrants who cancel before the cancellation deadline will receive a refund for the conference registration fee less a $100 processing fee. After the deadline, no refunds will be issued for cancellations although we will substitute another individual from the company or switch the in-person registration to the virtual format. NAACOS does not apply registration fees toward future NAACOS events. Contact [email protected] to process a substitution.
Sponsorship Policies
Sponsorship is defined as a mutually beneficial exchange whereby the sponsor receives value in return for payment or goods or services-in-kind provided and NAACOS recognizes that cross-disciplinary and cross-sector collaboration is key to achieving its mission.
NAACOS values collaboration and support from organizations that understand NAACOS’ unique role in the ACO community and recognize the shared value that can be created by working together. Collaborative work could include, but not be limited to, sponsoring conferences (including exhibits), events, educational and career development programs, and/or special projects where there is organizational alignment in mission, strategic priorities, and values.
Sponsorship Principles
- NAACOS will not seek or accept any sponsorship which may damage or compromise — or be perceived to damage or compromise — the reputation of NAACOS, our members, or partner network.
- In the interest of transparency, NAACOS always discloses sponsorship of activities, including conferences, webinars, meetings, publications, and other related products.
- Whenever possible and feasible, NAACOS shall seek funding from a variety of sources. It is understood, however, that occasions may arise when support of a specific event, program, or project from a single source is appropriate.
- Sponsorship funds may be used to support the policy and advocacy priorities established by NAACOS’ Board of Directors.
- Membership or partnership in NAACOS is required for sponsorship.
Sponsorship Guidelines
The sponsorship guidelines provided below are intended to be both practical and accountable. NAACOS reserves the right to refuse any offer of sponsorship at its absolute discretion or to negotiate with potential sponsors concerning any aspect of a proposed sponsorship, to fully adhere to these guidelines and the principles noted above.
- All sponsorships require a formal agreement defining the terms of the sponsorship, including any recognition of the sponsor by NAACOS, which must be approved by the President and CEO of NAACOS or designee. Advertising content, including marketing language and use of logos must be clearly defined in all sponsorship agreements.
- A sponsorship does not imply any exclusive arrangement with NAACOS or endorsement of any product or service by NAACOS, nor does it imply any grant of control or influence to the sponsor over the content of any NAACOS activity, publication, position, or policy.
- Content of sponsored sessions at meetings, webinars, or newsletters must align with themes and/or objectives established by the meeting program committee. NAACOS reserves the right to request prior review of session content.
- Before commencing any sponsored projects, NAACOS and the sponsor(s) will agree to specific terms regarding the respective rights of NAACOS and the sponsor(s) in relation to intellectual property, branding, and editorial contributions for all publications/products.
- If at any point, the content of products/materials resulting from the sponsorship appears to be counter to the mission of NAACOS, NAACOS reserves the right to withdraw from the project prior to the launch of any product/publication or event.
- Nothing in a sponsorship agreement shall supersede NAACOS’s policies regarding marketing, use of membership lists, or any other endorsements.
- All recognition of sponsorship and related advertising and/or marketing activities shall reference the corporate entity, organization, or program of the entity/organization, but may not refer to a specific medical product or therapeutic intervention.
- NAACOS reserves the right to request modification or terminate any sponsorship agreement for an event or meeting if required to comply with applicable regulations such as continuing education.
- NAACOS reserves the right to terminate any sponsorship agreement if the sponsor or its representatives or agents engage in any conduct that would lead NAACOS to reasonably determine that its continued participation in the arrangement with a particular sponsor would adversely affect the reputation of NAACOS, its members, or partner network.
- All sponsorships and any related advertising and/or marketing activities shall comply with the laws and regulations of the United States of America.