Heard on the Hill


NAACOS aims to create and maintain the most beneficial legislative environment for ACOs. This is accomplished through constant communication, education, and advocacy with lawmakers and their staff. Congressional briefings, hearings, letters and in-person meetings are tools to share the positions of NAACOS and our members.

118th Congress

117th Congress

  • Lawmakers Send Letter to House Leaders Supporting Advanced APM Extension
  • NAACOS and co-host Capitol Hill Briefing “Speeding the Transition to Value-Based Care” on extending MACRA’s 5 percent incentive payment
  • NAACOS summary of the June 2022 MedPAC
  • Lawmakers Send Letters Asking Biden Administration to Support ACOs and Direct Contracting
  • NAACOS submits a Statement for the Record on a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on improving health equity for individuals with chronic conditions
  • NAACOS and seven other health groups ask Congress to support alternative payment models as a means to help prolong the solvency of the Medicare trust fund
  • NAACOS resource on Medicare payment updates under MACRA
  • NAACOS supports bill that revises MSSP assignment to enhance the role of NPPs
  • NAACOS submits comments in response to the Congressional Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Caucus request for information (RFI) on challenges and opportunities to better address SDOH
  • NAACOS submits comments in response to congressional request for information (RFI) on public option legislation
  • NAACOS supports bill that removes cost-sharing obligations from Medicare Chronic Care Management codes
  • NAACOS and 13 other leading organizations support the Value in Health Care Act of 2021
  • NAACOS summary of the June 2021 MedPAC report
  • NAACOS and 12 others write Congress in support of the Accountable Care In Rural America Act (H.R. 3746)
  • NAACOS submits a Statement for the Record on a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on the future of telehealth
  • NAACOS submits a Statement for the Record on the nominations of Andrea Palm to be Deputy HHS Secretary and Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to be CMS Administrator
  • Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse touts ACOs during Secretary Becerra’s confirmation hearing
  • ACOs receive praise during Senate confirmation hearing