Education Committee

Board | Staff | Education Committee | Policy Committee | Quality Committee

The Education Committee is made up of active NAACOS ACO members that help to guide long and short-term planning of educational activities to support the needs and interests of our members.  They provide vital feedback on a variety of educational issues related to the accountable care model, including administrative, operational, and transformational pathways, tools and design.  Members also provide insight into the ongoing educational needs of the ACO workforce so that NAACOS can support its members’ evolving educational needs.

Eloy Sena headshot.

Eloy Sena

AVP, Value-Based Contracts & Operations
Ardent Health Services

Vinod Shenai headshot.

Vinod Shenai

Senior Director, Healthcare Analytics
Village Practice Management Company, LLC

Leslie Southworth headshot.

Leslie Southworth

Director of Montana Health Plus
Montana Health Plus

Ahjay Stivland headshot.

Ahjay Stivland

Manager of Medical Economics
Stellar Health

Nicole Swan's headshot.

Nicole Swan

Director, Medicare Program Policy and Strategy