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News Release
June 28, 2024

NAACOS Statement on Proposed CMS Rule on Anomalous Catheter Billing

Attributed to Clif Gaus, Sc.D., President and CEO of the National Association of ACOs

“NAACOS applauds CMS for implementing stakeholder recommendations to hold ACOs harmless for
significant anomalous and highly suspect catheter expenditures in 2023. This ensures that clinicians,
hospitals, other healthcare providers, and ACOs can remain in the models and are not unfairly penalized.
As part of their efforts to promote high quality and efficient care, ACOs quickly discovered higher
spending and reported suspected fraud. It is through these efforts that ACOs serve as a steward of the
Medicare program. We look forward to working with CMS to establish permanent policies that will
address future instances of fraud, waste, and abuse, as well as streamline the process for identification
and reporting.”



David Pittman
Senior Policy Advisor
202-640-2689 or